Saturday, March 20, 2010


Part One:
Penat sangat seminggu ni, hari2 kena duk kat reban wat keje macam2. Jadi runner la, jd porter la, jd tukang la...jadi macam2. Risau pon ada, happy pon ada. =)..tak sabar nak paksa bebudak duk kat belakang...nnt leh melandskap semula kawasan rumah.
mid-mac 2010

end-mac 2010

progress SLOW...harini dia siapkan chainlink, esok beam plak. I kena check ratio concrete yang dia gunakan, Herry kata 1:2:4, I think 1:2:3 also can untuk kerja-kerja biasa. I harini wat cleaning sekitar dan letak zink kat pagar sebelah. Tapi I suka my rebannya setting ni...each small plot can accommodate 50 GFs at one time (1@ 2sqm. I follow LR nye method), plus ada pondok kat tengah-tengah compound untuk simpan barang dan lepak-lepak. I tunggu my parcel vaccines sampai, they said around this week. Then vaccinate semua bebudak. Some more, kena start propagate rumput, lucerne, mulberry, dan semak samun. Cuaca pon semakin baik, sesuai untuk aktiviti penanaman.

Part Two:
Dalam minggu ni juga, 2 baka telah dibawa masuk ke LopehPoultry Farm; 1. Ringneck Pheasant...2. Silky Fantail (dua-dua ni dapat dari Herry ExoticAnimalFarm). Silky Fantail termasuk dalam rare breeds list yg dikeluarkan oleh Rare Breeds Pigeon Club. Untuk bacaan selanjutnya boleh refer page Darwin's Pigeons. Ringneck plak dari kumpulan subspecies Mongolian Ringneck. Mereka ni semua dah umur matang dan ready untuk membiak. Harap2 membiakla cepat...huhuhu

Part Three:
I penat. Hari-hari tidur awal. hehehe...
I kena diet, gained weight lately...aiyoo! Bebudak jd chubby takpe, not me...nanti payah plak nak bergerak keliling reban.


Nor Rasidah said...

i pun suka pondok tu - wasn't it formerly used as a kepok padi at rumah baruh? good idea to rehabilitate it. Bravo!

LopehPoultry Farm said...

yup kepok padi lama u perasan tak tiang dia ilang satu...hehehe...pasni jadi kepok kita plak

Harrizz said...

Hi Haslinda....jus curious whether you can send/ship your birds to Kuching, Sarawak and how? I thought of buying pheasant birds or maybe the Indian peacock for backyard pet/collections. Could not find it easily in Kuching. Tq Harrizz

LopehPoultry Farm said...

Hi Harrizz, unfortunately for the time being we do not offer service to ship birds outside Semenanjung. TQ.

Harrizz said...

Thanks Haslinda....ya, it seems you guy in Peninsular are enjoying nature's friends, birds and animals etc., with ease. In Sarawak it seems not easy/'not allowed, difficult to bring in birds from other place. All the best. Harrizz

LopehPoultry Farm said...

Yeah thanks to you too Harriz. If one day we manage to provide a service to courier birds to serawak or sabah...happy to let you know about it. =)