Sunday, February 7, 2010

I "walking around" then I found this...

"DIY Bokashi Bran... Mix one tablespoon (15ml) of molasses into 250ml of warm water, then add one tablespoon (15ml) of EM-1. Pour the mixture into 500g of wheat bran and mix very thoroughly. The bran will expand as it absorbs the water.

Then it’s well mixed, seal it up in an airtight container and leave in a warm, dark place for about 2-3 weeks. VERY IMPORTANT – don’t open it up at all for at least two weeks, not even to have a quick peep, or the process won’t work!

When the time is up, the bran should smell fermented and there may be some white mould on the surface, which is a good sign. The mixture is now ready to use, but keeps better if it’s well dried. Spread out on a tray away from direct sunlight until completely dry then store in a cool dry place. The bran should remain active for at least a year."

For more, please

Later, I found this, my curiosity at its peak...Collecting wild lactobacillus

1. mari belajar mencuci beras! = mix one part rice thoroughly with two parts water (1/2 a cup to one cup). Mix thoroughly and vigorously. Drain. The resulting water should be cloudy.

2. mari menapai tuak = place the rice water in a container with 50-75% head space allowing plenty of air to circulate. Cover lightly (air should be able to move in and out of the container) and place in a cool dark spot for 5-8 days.

3. mari mencium tuak = at the end of the wait the mixture should smell mildly sour. Strain out any particles.

4. mari membuat serum & milk curd = then, add 10 parts milk (use skim if possible). DO NOT seal tightly, the gases must be able to escape. Allow 14 days for a complete ferment, most of the solids in the milk will float to the top revealing the yellowish serum.

5. taddaaa!!


HS Wong said...

Looks like a receipe I posted in some mat salleh site years n years ago. I did not mention then, but I better mention here the receipe is not 'food safe', ie, dont eat it or feed to animals. It is not pure lacto and the wild lacto is different from the lacto sp used for yogurt,etc. The intention of the wild lacto is strictly to produce a low pH medium and NOTHING ELSE!

LopehPoultry Farm said...

Ic. TQ mr wong. then, which lacto can be used in bokashi? can i just used the yakult drink, then add some molasses.

HS Wong said...

I don't like anaerobic bokashi as there's always a possibility of botulism. If you must, use EM or as you say yakult, but the botulism bacteria may lurk in the organic medium that you are using. Anaerobic fermentation is very unforgiving of mistakes!

LopehPoultry Farm said...

ok. i just being curious abt this. better i try to use bokashi for my plants. =) how's ur limeberry tree, is the tree starts fruiting yet? at my place now is limeberry season. 'll post some pic later.