Saturday, February 20, 2010

Whitey gets broody


This afternoon whitey not in her group,
while the rest having their lunch.
I start looking for her instantly,
but the weather is too hot.
I wait and rest,
at 6pm I found her nest.
Thank god!
There are 20 eggs under her belly.
I collect them all and put into my incubator.
Now, whitey safe in her small reban.


smart said...

xde ape2 ke dia dok mengeram kat luar..kan tpt ko byk pemangsa(matpet)dh nama matpet dia suka pet.

Rooster Shamblin said... would you please spend a few minutes checking out my blog about all things chicken. I have been raising more than 50 breeds of chickens 40 years.

Zaman said...

Nice... congratz! Dah bleh booking ke, anak whitey tu? :-D