Arnab ni didermakan oleh salah seorang pelanggan tetap yang selalu datang beli ayam atau itik. Dia tiba-tiba called pagi tadi, dan tanya..."awak nak arnab? saya bagi free je...arnab pompuan" Dengan cepat dan selamba saya respon kat caller tu "ok..boleh sahaja. lagipon arnab saya sowang2 je lelaki..."
Rupa-rupanya saiz arnab ni lagi besar daripada arnab kat rumah ni. Tapi memang cun arnab baru ni...mata dia sebelah warna biru, sebelah lagi warna cokelat.
Mak kata, jangan cepat sangat nak kawinkan arnab tu. Biar dia kenal-kenal dulu. Gerenti dabit suka giler sebab dapat girlfriend baru. Nanti-nanti dapat anak arnab!
At last, I have a pot of vanilla plant. My sister bought it for me at the Amcorp Mall flea market. The plant cost for RM10 only, kinda cheap for 1ft tall seedling. Last time I found that the price for this size, can cost about RM15-RM18 each. I dunno when I can harvest my very own vanilla pod, but the book said, vanilla plant will take 2 years time to get mature and start fruiting. This is my 3rd time I 'meet' this plant in reality. The 1st time happened when I visited Singapore Botanical Garden during my 2nd year study landscape architecture. I was so amazed that time. The 2nd time, when I was visiting Flower Show. And, today I have my very own plant.
Vanilla (V.planifolia), is actually a member of the orchid family. Vanilla is the second most expensive spice after saffron (I had opportunity to 'touch' the saffron plant when I visited Cambridge Botanical Garden in late 2003). I wish one day, I will have a jar or vanilla sugar which the vanilla pod is from my garden. Yeah...the photo of my vanilla plant will be updated soon.
I think in a few days, I'll 'have new members to my flocks. Today, when I checked all eggs inside my incubator...I found that the 'big' egg which I care most, have like moving sound. Even I can felt the moving chick inside the egg. If the 'big' egg really hatch in few days time, I'll be happiest person on earth! I seldom practice candling eggs that make me confused most of the times. Normally I just felt and weighting the eggs that follows my instinct. If I found the egg has a lighter weight than the others, I just throw them away. 23.07 The 'big' egg hatched just now.
My mealworms culture doing well this time. I give my mealworms chick crumbles, carrots and longbeans. Any mealworms that reach the suitable size (the bigger the better), I'll give them to my below 1 month old chicks. They seem like it so much. And the best thing is, the chicks grow healthy and active. One of my friend taught me to give the mealworms a sugarcane stick. This will make the mealworms grow rapidly, to be frank I still don't try this sugarcane thing.
Last weekend, at my family weekend house, I decided to chop down one rumbia tree (Metroxylon sago), which also known as sago palm. When I was a kid, the kampung people at that time used this rumbia tree to feed their chickens and ducks. During the "darurat" days, the kampung people utilized this tree as their source for food. Mom said, her family used to cook this rumbia and make a "lempeng sagu" from it. Go to this website to read more...EatingAsia. And for myself, I cut this rumbia to 2ft long logs, then I divided into 6 segments from each log, later bring back to my backyard chicken farm, and finally have all of my birds to enjoy the sagu. And they loved it very much.
Gryphon a.ka. GriffinNoble, loyal, and maybe a little arrogant, you are a great individual with a strong sense of independence and intelligence. When you're not perusing your territory or flaunting your lovely exterior, you enjoy spending time with the human that saved your life. click to read more...quiz to take this quiz
06.07 Harini masuk hari ke-2 bebudak merak dan g.fowl pandai balik dan masuk reban sendiri. Semua ni ikut pelajaran kat net. Masa kali pertama lepaskan, meraka ni blur shj dan takmau berkawan dengan orang lain. Liar pon iya juga. Hari ke-2 lepaskan depa gi terbang2 atas bumbung rumah...alamak! Abisla semua org tau...
Dulu2 mereka ni time makan pon asing2 kena letak bawah pokok rambutan just for them. The whole day under the rambutan and ciku trees, the'll play, rest while enjoying the sun and the falling fruits. Sekarang tak perlu dah...terutamanya g.fowl dan merak jantan tu, nampak je org bw bekas makanan...mereka akan perlahan2 ikut belakang. Hopefully lepas2 ni mereka akan jinak mcm bebudak yg lain2...leh makan di tangan. Satu lagi, mereka belum paham bahasa panggilan yg digunakan..tak lama lg faham la tu kot...kiddy..kiddy..kiddy..balikkkk
Some of my birds know their calling my naked neck silkie, I call him "Botak", and everytime I call his name, he'll running to me and waiting incase I'll throw some kibbles for him. And the same thing happened to my late "Kompot" favorite hen. But, died already because of old age. My male cochin also knows his name..."Cochin". I treat my birds like I treat my cats. But not all of my cats have name, only 5 of 'em have special name..and the rest I call "Baby". I wish to call my peafowl "Whitty", but I don't know they'll understand and respond to the calling name or not...they have small brain rite...hahahaha
07.07 My peafowls seem to respond to "kiddy" calling calls today for the very 1st time...yeahhhh!
08.08 My peafowls joined my other chickens having their lunch, and now resting under the rambutan and ciku male whitty ran to me as he thought i will throw some kibbles for him...
Turkeys Stoking rate > 4msq bird (organic);4 to 6 sq ft intensive. End walls of the shed were East - west orientation. Get better carcass and breast muscle yields were recorded in poults reared under 1.5 ft2 [0.46 m2] of floor space at 8 weeks of age. Turkeys are much more fragile than chickens until they develop their immune system at eight weeks of age.
Guinea Fowls Housing size will depend on the number of guineas. It is advised to allow 3-4 square feet per bird. High perches made from 2"x 2" wood are preferred by the birds. Ladder type roosts are also ideal.
Peafowls For a breeding trio of peafowl you should have a minmum of 37 square metres. Larger pens are better. The roof should be at least 3 meter high, with sheltered roosts at least 1 meter off the ground.
Acclimating When you get new guineas, don't let them out right away or they may well disappear down the street. The best way to acclimate them is to pen them where they can see the area where they'll be living. After they've been penned a week or two, let one out. Guineas hate to be alone, so that one won't go far, but it will learn its way around your place. After a few days, let another out to run with it. If they stay around it's usually safe to let the rest out soon thereafter. I use this same method with Peafowl, letting a new hen out before the male as the hens are more social.
Dedak (pounded wheat and rice grains) and the occasional corn to make the flesh tastier and more tender.
Medication Pounded red onion and mix with starter feed for chicks ( fever, internal parasites, etc.)
Pounded galangal roots and garlics drinks for chickens / ducks (mycoplasma treatment)
Tumeric drinks for chickens / ducks (internal parasites)
Recent Findings Animals raised on pasture have much higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids, conjugated lineolic acid (CLA), and beta carotene. These animals also have lower levels of fat and fewer calories.
What is Omega 3?
What is Omega 6?
Yang sedang gunakan alat ini-kalau nak setting temperature mesti beli clinical thermometer dan letakan 1 inci dari paras jaring letak telur. Incubator in force air incubator(ada pam angin). Modify dengan tambah lubang, utk tak pakai pam angin.1) mentol warna merah
mentol merah ni di gunakan untuk anak2 ayam dari usia 1 sengga la ke 2 minggu, ini bertujuan untuk menjadikan anak2 ayam aktif bergerak, makan dan menambahkan lagi kekuatan pada otot2 nya.Bila ayam broiler diberi cahaya berwarna merah aktiviti berdiri, berjalan, makan dan minum akan meningkat. Selain itu ayam juga akan sering mematuk, mengais dedak/bijirin dan membentangkan sayapnya. Pada dasarnya, warna merah akan menjadikan ayam agresif . warna merah amat disarankan untuk jangka masa di dalam brooder dari usia 1-2 minggu. Dengan warna merah aktiviti ayam akan berlaku, kesannya pengambilan makanan adalah mencukupi
2) mentol warna biru / hijau
warna biru dan hijau akan mengontrol aktiviti ayam broiler agar tidak berlebihan. Dalam keadaan yang “lebih tenang“ ini warna biru dan hijau akan menggertak sintesa protein dan memberikan kesempatan pada ayam untuk melakukan proliferasi atau perbanyakan dari serabut-serabut otot. Pada keadaan ini tenaga untuk maintenance ( pemeliharaan ) dapat ditekan dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertumbuhan. so di sini kita nampak, warna hijau lebih baik dibandingkan dengan biru untuk proses membina daging (Israel, 1999). warna hijau menjadi warna ‘favorite’ ayam dari masa lepas brooding.
Anak ayam ni lepas usia 3 hari masuk dlm brooder kasi jer minum air suam, esok nya baru tukar air lain yg di campurkan dgn vitamin. nak kasi makan biar dia dah berumur 4 hari baru la ok. sbbnya dulu aku letak ayam dlm brooder kasi dia minum dan makan terus. akibatnya anak2 ayam byk kena berak kapur. tp bila aku praktikkan cara kasi makan selewat usia 4/5 hari aku tgk masalah berak kapur dah x berlaku. yg terjadi pun berak melekat kt bulu tu jer.(rebung)
JANGAN SEJUKKAN ayam pada usia muda, kalau masa muda ayam sejuk, ayam tak boleh tahan masa dah berumur 30 hari atas... Sebab bila ayam dah biasa sejuk, ayam tu nak lebih sejuk bila dah berusia... tapi, bila kita tak boleh bagi sejuk, then only one thing happen.. ayam akan mati...